Saturday 30 July 2016

Day 82 - Inspector Lee

Spent last night watching Rush Hour 1, 2, & 3 whilst doing problem sets till I passed out.

I got my hands on "Aromatic Reagents" and "Aromatic Synthesis", which I'll add to the collection. There's a lot to learn from the Aromatic Synthesis set, especially if you keep making mistakes like I did. If I've got time tonight, I'll tackle a few more problem sets and maybe get into Chapter 23.

Aromatic Reagents (Answers)
Aromatic Synthesis (Answers)

If I were you, I'd complete the problem set from Day 81 first, then Aromatic Reagents, and then Aromatic Synthesis.

If you can't figure something out, pay special attention to:
  • Whether the substituents are activating/deactivating. 
  • Which way the substituents direct substitution (ortho/para/meta)
  • The relationship (ortho/para/meta) between two or more substituents. 
  • And specifically for Aromatic Synthesis - Which order to add the substituents.
If something still doesn't make sense, Google it.


Update: Read 18 pages into Chapter 23, with 13 remaining. I've covered up to where we are in class now, so I'm going to hold off on the rest until I see what's emphasized in lectures. There's a lot of reagents being introduced in Chapter 23, so I'm looking forward to creating a Reagent Guide for our exam.

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