Monday 13 June 2016

Day 37 - Halt

With just six pages remaining of Chapter 26, I'm on the verge of learning all the required information for the first half of the term! Yet I'm only mildly excited, because the newer concepts I've read about don't seem crystal clear to me yet. I'm hoping that once I do some problem sets, I'll get a practical feel for everything. We'll see.

On a side note, I had a dream about the midterm, lol. I need to stop doing chemistry so late like last night.. just kidding.

There's a solid chance I'll end up completing the final six pages of 26 today and begin doing problem sets tomorrow. I'll keep posting as usual.

Update: 12:26 AM - Just completed the final six pages of Chapter 26! That marks the end of everything I'll need to know about carbonyl chemistry. Extremely bittersweet feeling, but I'm ready to begin practicing my face off.

The complete set of Chapter 26 notes are accessible here - or from the "My Notes" tab above.

It's been an extremely long day for me, so now it's time to get in bed and maybe watch the first episode of Game of Thrones... and risk gaining a serious addiction. Who knows. Cya!

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