Monday 18 July 2016

Day 70 - Aromaticity

Content has made its way into aromatic chemistry. Benzene rings are, apparently, one of the most abundant type of molecule found in living organisms. I've learned how to manipulate benzene rings; adding and removing substituents to my liking. This is another fancy tool for our itinerary.

Notes for "Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution" from Chapter 21. 

In labs last week, we made passion fruit perfume by synthesizing an ester compound (top right). This week, we prepared benzoic acid using a Grignard reagent (bottom right)! 

For those of you that are like me, and want to get to the point where you can make your own shit, then take a look at this document:

You'll learn where you can find chemical reagents from common household items #breakingbad

Some of my favourites: 
H2SO4 - battery acid
Sulfuric Acid - drain cleaner
Calcium Carbonate - blackboard chalk

See ya! 

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