Saturday 4 June 2016

Day 28

Chapter 25 was a gruesome 28 pages long. As I'm writing this, I've only completed 25 of the 28 and I'm burned out. It was an extremely dense chapter on alkylation of enolates, aldol reactions, enones, conjugate additions, direct additions, regioselectivity in alkyl additions, how to prevent direct additions, how to prevent aldol reactions - and more. Several, several, different topics were covered, with many permutations. I initially gave the chapter a read-through yesterday without taking notes, but decided to go from the beginning again (taking notes this time) to really solidify everything I didn't understand yesterday. I've uploaded my chapter 25 notes, and they can be accessed here.

It took me roughly 6 hours to get through the 25 pages that I did. Am I a slow reader, or is it just because it's organic chemistry and I had to write notes? I don't know. But if you're a fast reader, I'm really envious, because 6 hours of reading about mechanisms is going to burn you out - and if it doesn't, then please leave a comment with your secrets below! I hope that the time I invested in understanding this chapter is going to pay off.

Dr. Revers said that this week, with the introduction of enolates and enols, we've reached the "dropoff" point in the course. A.K.A. half the class is going to become completely confused and left behind. A.K.A. shit is going to get hard now. It's going to be interesting to see how the class calibrates once things go from 0 to 100.

No new tune today, I've been ripping the same trap remixes from my previous posts. Links below!
Arab Trap Mix 2016
Going Quantum Podcast: Episode 23
Middle Eastern Trap 2016


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