Tuesday 10 May 2016

Day 2 - Cereal

I'm having breakfast right now and want to put up a quick post in the next 20 minutes on what today is going to be about: I'm going to prepare for tomorrow's first lecture. Dr. Leigh has assigned this week & next week's textbook readings, so I'm going to take a look at those and see if there's anything I need to polish up on. If you're in the same position as me and you're rusty in OChem, you should be reviewing Chapters 6, 9, and 11, too.

End of Day Two; 10:30 PM
Spent 3 hours to read through Chapter 6 ("nucleophilic addition to carbonyls") and take some notes. Clayden explains things really well, but if you don't understand something: click on the "Master Organic Chemistry" link above and search for the topic.

Technique #1:
I do readings before the corresponding lecture, because I'll massively inflate my ability to retain and understand the presented concepts. The lecture reinforces my memory, and I have supplementary knowledge from the textbook to help me keep up with Dr. Revers. I recommend doing these readings before the lectures, but obviously that may not be possible since some chapters are longer than the Holy Bible. If you're someone who usually does the readings, create some time to do them before the lecture, instead of after. When I am not able to read the chapters, I'll watch a youtube video or two on the topic(s) before the lecture.

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