Monday 20 June 2016

Day 44 - Aftermath

The test went pretty well, there were a few questions that could have gone better - but I'm lucky that I was able to figure out the questions that I did. I'm relying on the bell curve to make up for my pitfalls on this one. I'll know how everything went in a few days!

Until then, it's time to kick back and relax -
Congratulations to everyone who wrote the test today, you get two weeks off! 

Update: I received 42/50 on the midterm! I'm thankful that all the work I've put in so far has paid off! Hopefully, me taking the test two weeks early (along with almost half the class!) will boost my grade somewhere into the 90's; making for a stable foundation for the remainder of the term. I'm extremely curious to discover if this was the highest grade. If someone does even better, I think it's my obligation to feature them on this blog ;) 

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