Tuesday 21 June 2016

Day 45 - Helping Hand

Over half the class is writing the midterm in two weeks, meaning that they have half a month to prepare. To help you guys out, I'm going to make a collection of the best problem sets to complete.

On top of that, there are some useful website links for reagents that I think are important to have in your toolbox when it comes to synthesis.

I really believe that problem sets and using the internet as a resource, are the keys to success in organic chemistry. MOST of the learning happens outside of the lecture and textbook, surprisingly - which is unlike any other course.

Everyone of you are extremely lucky that the internet is *littered* in very valuable explanations for almost anything you come across.

I've got to catch a bus in a few minutes, so later today you should see another post above this with a montage of essential problem sets. See you soon!

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