Saturday 18 June 2016

Day 42 - Trial Run

It took me one hour and three minutes to finish the MTWT from last year. 

Excuse the dramatic layout of this post, I just thought it looked cool. Anyways. 

It was a pretty difficult test, especially since we're supposed to complete it in 50 minutes and it took me 63 minutes. That means I need to speed up my writing, and maybe switch from erasing to scratching out wrong answers. There were two questions that really slowed me down:

Firstly, I didn't know what a "dioate" looked like, so I had to google that really quick. I think I'll spend some time today reviewing nomenclature, because Google can't help me out on Monday. Regardless, it's a tricky question that needs some "out of the box" thinking.

Secondly, I came up with an answer for the 2nd question (Cannizzarro reaction), but I'll have to take a look online to see if I was correct. My answer was pretty... unlikely (?) to happen in real life. 

The rest of the test was straight forward - you just have to know your stuff from lectures. 

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