Sunday 15 May 2016

Day 7 - Readings

Last night I started reading the first few pages of Chapter 10: Nucleophilic Substitution at the Carbonyl Group. I woke up this morning and got straight to it once again. I started at 10 am and finished around 3:30 pm. I stuck to my principle of quality > quantity, and I took my time understanding every page. In a chemistry textbook where every page builds on the previous, it's crucial you take things slow & steady. It's all about foundation, so there's no point in speed-reading or skipping sections because it's just going to bite you in the ass later, I promise.

After five and a half hours, I have 10 pages of solid notes from this chapter.

If you remember, last lecture on Friday I stayed after class to discuss some chemistry with Dr. Leigh. I mentioned how he provided some insight (a.k.a. a preview) on topics we will discuss next week. Well, Chapter 10 revolved around those same topics.

As of now, I have exposed my brain to these topics twice. This week's lectures will be my third time being exposed, which will do a magnificent job of solidifying everything.

Enjoy your Sunday evening!

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