Thursday 12 May 2016

Day 4 - Goggles

It seems that no matter how far I go in life, I am always somehow reacquainted with the infamous Chemistry Lab Safety videos.

The lab techs gave some golden advice on some things we can include in each section of our lab reports this semester. I will write about this when the time comes to begin synthesizing our first reports.

Personally, lab reports are something I am not looking forward to. I've never been a fan of writing assignments because of how subjective the grading can be. For this reason, the 20% of our final mark allocated to lab reports is terrifying. With that being said, we could see it as a challenge. I'm curious to see how these labs turn out.

Later in the afternoon, I attended office hours with three other students. We went over the chapter problems from Chapter 6.

Technique #2:
I treat office hours like a lecture. I allocate the two hours in my calendar as a regular Orgo lecture. The goal is to trick yourself into thinking there are participation marks for coming to office hours. It's worth the extra time in the end.

You will learn more in one office hour than two hours of lecture, I promise you. 

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