Sunday 29 May 2016

Day 22 - Late Nights

12:08 AM - 2:14 AM
Tonight's Labor
Just completed an "Enolate Chemistry" problem set.. probably one of the best problem set's I've ever done. This one will really make you think. I knicked this one from Towson University's chemistry department page!

Enolate Reactions 

What will this problem set teach you?

  • LDA/THF will produce the kinetic enolate product - the alkene will be the less substituted of the two possibilities (if there are two possibilities). 
  • Usually when H3O+ and heat are used in one step, there's a good chance you're extruding CO2 gas from the system. 
  • Often times, chemists will use Sodium Ethoxide in Ethanol as a strong base to promote the formation of enolates. Remember, Sodium Ethoxide is a good base because Ethanol is a terrible alcohol. Furthermore, it's more useful as a base than a nucleophile because Oxygen is very electronegative! 
I highly recommend doing this problem set, more so than the other one's I've posted here. 

Today's Tune: The Best of Bach
Great for doing organic chemistry before bedtime. 

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